The SUD AERO Group

The SUD AERO Group manufactures and assembles sub-assemblies for major customers in the aeronautical industry. Thanks to a controlled manufacturing process, SUD AERO is in a position to offer a continuous flow to all of its customers.

The company SUD AERO was founded in 1990 by Serge Assorin and is located in the heart of the northern Toulouse region. The Group has been managed by Guillaume Assorin since 2012.
Tier 1 supplier, SUD AERO now has more than 140 employees spread over 4 complementary production sites.

Growth by SUD AERO

With controlled development and sound financial management, The SUD AERO Group is committed to external growth. The Group's debt ratio in 2017 was 1.4% despite significant material investments.

2012: €14 MILLION
2013: €16 MILLION
2014: €17 MILLION
2015: €20 MILLION
2016: €30 MILLION
2012:80 employees
2013:100 employees
2014:120 employees
2015:120 employees
2016:140 employees
aerial view of a warehouse and parking lot with cars parked in the lot

Customer service
at the heart of the Group's strategy

Since its foundation more than 25 years ago, SUD AERO has been committed to a active approach to customer satisfaction. Experienced teams mobilize every day around the Group's fundamental values:

Ensure very high quality production for the aeronautical industry combined with optimal, available and responsive customer support.

Acteur indépendant et dynamique du secteur aéronautique, SUD AERO anticipe les évolutions technologiques de demain et les besoins futurs de ses clients avionneurs. Le service client est aujourd’hui l’axe central de la stratégie de développement du Groupe.

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